Saturday, 30 May 2015


There is this time in everyone's life wherein you don't really know what's home. I think that it usually happens when one goes off to college and stays in a dorm or a hostel only to return in the summer to the actual home he/she grown up in. It's as if the year of college intermixed with short visits back home aren't enough to assimilate the person to this new world.

The basic argument is that once we leave our homes for college we suddenly have the urge to follow our dreams and ambitions but all without the constant supervision of our parents or the society we've grown up in. This gives us the feeling of independence or freedom while staying away from home. We suddenly feel capable of managing our own affairs while at the same time ensuring that we pass all our classes somehow. So by around the end of the 2nd semester we feel invincible. Now thats exactly where we are wrong. Its true that when we are in the hostel there is no one to take care of us , nag us to wash our clothes , to study or the best part and we all know this, go out whenever our mood strikes us ,the issue is the summer vacations which obliterate every kind of privilage that we earn throughout the year at college.

So say good-bye to those nocturnal conversations that last beyond 11pm, lets not even talk about hot shorts in the heat, walks at 3 am can be blackened out with permanent ink and to speak of it would be a sin and last but not the least the ultimate 'Adda' sessions wherein all your hostel friends just gather in this one particular room( room 319)  and then all the craziness within explodes onto the surface(explicit content) .Home is where family, food and old friends are but college is where craziness, a lot of work and independence is. Its a tough choice and sometimes we want both at the same time, well humans have always had utopian notions and this generation is nothing new. But just imagine the pretty picture of good food, family , old friends and new , craziness and independence woah thats any teenager's dream or maybe just mine. But no matter what changes we need to make to return to the 'parental supervision' it's always worth it in the end. And I believe that for every student college is home away from home with all the perks that home is devoid of. But on a serious note I don't think I would ever compare the two but speaking with experience they bring out a completely different person and hell who doesn't want to go on new adventures and relive the old ones.

PS: Written for my first year at Sakorenagar Hostel , Pune, you will miss our craziness. And all the times that I've missed Bombay. God just imagine how brilliant it would be if my two worlds could collide?! ( just for a while)


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